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2018 Gift Giving Guide

Christmas is coming and it's just weeks away! We've all known it now since October when Walmart decided to nonchalantly play "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" as confused consumers schlepped around the store wondering if Halloween candy would also make a great stocking stuffer.

Every year I vow to myself to start shopping earlier to avoid the mayhem and to buy less (because seriously how many legos and baby dolls does a kid need?). Quality over quantity I remind myself...but somehow I'm always surrounded by an impressive array of trinkets and knickknacks that eventually make their way to Goodwill. We've all been there and we learn over the years what is worth it and what we can pass on.

Christmas is a special time of the year when we show others we care about them and give of our time, money, and resources to bless those most important and dear to us. We want to give something useful, helpful, and meaningful... something that be appreciated rather than regifted for another unsuspecting person (there's a box in my house for these gifts!). But sometimes it's hard to know what to get others and we feel like we've spent more time mulling over it than we have energy for in hopes to get it just right.

Being passionate about health and wellness I've compiled a list of some of my own favorites to help you out in your perfect gift giving quest. It's a wonderful and impactful way to show others you care and then AND their health. These are gifts that keep on giving!!

As a Berkey owner myself I can honestly say this is one of the best health purchases we've ever made. While listening to the radio I heard of another "water advisory" in affect for our city requiring residents to boil their water. Normally this would disturb me but I no longer have to worry as the Berkey filters the most polluted water. According to their website the "Berkey Water Filter can remove hundreds of contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, cysts, parasites, pesticides, chlorine, fluoride, VOC's and more from the water" source. Not to mention your water will taste amazing!!

As a Mom of four I do a lot...everyday! I ditched the dryer sheets years ago as I was concerned about the chemicals and toxins contained inside that coat our clothes (that come in contact with our skin) see where I'm going with this. Our skin is our largest organ and absorbs that which it comes into contact with. I found dryer balls to be a great replacement and they pay for themselves over time because they are reusable.

I don't think there's a day that goes by that I don't use my Vitamix blender. Long gone are the days of finding surprise chunks of kale that seemed to dodge the blender. This high speed blender mixes any and everything and can even be used to make flour for bread recipes. Once you purchase one you'll never go back to your old school blender again.

Want a great way to replace all the pasta you consume with a more healthy substitute? Check out this spiralizer that will do the trick and give you nutritious "zoodles" with zucchini or spiralize sweet potatoes, carrots, beets and many more vegetables. This is a inexpensive way to incorporate more vegetables in a creative way.

After a busy holiday season we all feel like we need to reset, recharge and detox, detox, detox. Saunas are a great way to encourage weight loss (too many Christmas cookies perhaps?) as well as detoxification (something we don't do enough of!) Boasting low EMF ratings and a compact and portable carrier this sauna is a gift that break a sweat without breaking the bank.

A juicer is a wonderful way to get more of the nutrients and minerals from vegetables which can boost your immunity, aid in digestion, increase your energy, and promote weight loss. I'm a big fan of juicing celery first thing in the morning which you can read about here and use my juicer every morning to do so.

We all get dry and rough winter skin when the temperature drops and the air lacks moisture. Drush brushes are an easy way to exfoliate the skin as well as to encourage detoxification throughout your body. This gift would make a great stocking stuffer!

With all the holiday traveling we do and time in airports it's a great opportunity to read. Gift your love ones some great reading material that will encourage them to stay on track and promote their health goals. Two of my favorite books this past year were Mark Hyman's "Food What the Heck Should I Eat" and Danielle Walker's "Celebrations" cookbook.

Jade Rollers are a hot new trend in beauty these days and for good reason. They are known to decrease inflammation, fine lines, and wrinkles as well as promote circulation throughout the face. Easy to use and a inexpensive beauty tool the jade roller is another great stocking idea for the ladies in your life.

These Bulletproof bars may taste like a treat but don't be fooled! They are sugar free, dairy free, and gluten free and provided a great source of collagen from grass-fed cows and MCT oil for energy and stamina. These are a great on-the-go snack that will keep you full longer.

Essential oils are a great gift to give in the wintertime when we could all use a little immune boosting. They can be measured out into a roller, diffused and some can be added to your favorite dish. You can buy synergies, individually, or as a set.



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