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Work With Me

Surviving & Thriving
Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) 

Lily Flower

Can You Relate? Are You...


Tirelessly fighting against your body feeling pain, brain fog, and constant fatigue?


Suspicious of your environment that may be causing you harm but not sure where to start?


Conflicted about all the nutrition facts and what is/isn't healthy while healing from CIRS?


Overwhelmed by all the information your doctor gave you and online, & how to implement it in order to heal?


What is CIRS?


Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, also known as Mold Illness, is a multi system environmentally acquired illness and occurs when individuals are exposed to water-damaged building. Depending on genetics individuals either clear toxins efficiently or inefficiently. For those who clear toxins efficiently the body flags the mold as a harmful antigen and creates antibodies to rid the body in subsequent exposures.


However, 25% of the population carries the HLA-DR gene, in which the body doesn't recognize antigens and therefore lacks defenses along with the ability to clear mold toxins. For these people widespread inflammation occurs throughout the body. This constant inflammatory response can lead to chronic illness overtime. Often these patients exhibit numerous unexplained symptoms which greatly affects their quality of life and end up visiting many physicians seeking to get a diagnosis.


For some individuals, short exposures to water damaged buildings can do a lot of damage, while for others, small exposures over time can build up in the body and cause harm as well.  

 Do You Suspect You May Have CIRS? 


If you suspect you may have mold illness you can do one or several of the following. Use these as helpful tools and not a means to diagnose.

1) Take my CIRS Questionnaire

2) Take an online Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) test

3) Check out my CIRS Resources page with a vast array of educational material to help you learn more

4) Hire a CIRS Functional Medicine Health Coach & Bioenergetic Practitioner to help you optimize your recovery with practical tools to implement, the most nutrient dense & anti-inflammatory foods and herbs to speed healing, how to properly clean your environment, traveling with CIRS, communicating with loved ones and much more.  

Large mirror with plants on floor

You Can Beat this!


I'm going to tell you something you may already know....


Healing from CIRS  requires consistency and commitment!


Healing & growth can be uncomfortable...but so is suffering.


There is another side of this season you are in and the view is beautiful!



Your Blueprint Awaits You!


Navigating CIRS takes a skilled team approach. A CIRS Functional Medicine Coach is a vital part of your plan. 


CIRS treatment and protocol should be strategic, consistent, & comprehensive. It doesn't have to be overwhelming, confusing, & burdensome. I show you how!


I take a birds eye view of your life, protocol, and your progress. Your treatment roadmap we create together brings peace that you are giving it world class effort.


My personal experience with CIRS allows me to educate you, offering the best healing modalities for your protocol, teaching you how to optimize nutrition to speed recovery, what to let go of and what to incorporate to heal, and helping you restore your quality of life!


Ready to Heal?The Process:


1) Bioenergetic Testing to determine where the body is most energetically stressed and in need of support. A follow up consult to discuss results and a plan forward. 


2) Sessions on:

  • Nutrition: Shopping lists, the best foods to optimize healing & online food & mood journal, reducing digestive upset and improving gut health

  • Supporting drainage pathways, movement & exercise with limited energy, nontoxic product swaps and education on supplements

  • Environment: Creating a healthy & healing home environment, what to look for in a remediator and mold inspector, the ins and outs of remediation, post remediation clean up and how to avoid cross contamination, how to avoid future water events, & access to my "Mold Survival Guide" Ebook, and how to travel with CIRS.

  • Mental/Emotional: How to communicate with loved ones, supporting the nervous system to optimize healing, stress reduction techniques, setting up healthy boundaries, personal growth stemming from loss and hardship 

  • More: Access to E-books, Roadmap Guide, access to dispensaries, and the understanding and compassion of one who has walked this path as well.


3) Collaboration together on realistic and specific goals that can be weaved into your lifestyle to promote healing and change.


4) Ongoing support in between sessions through e-mail correspondence. 


Imagine If You Could:



  • Have a clear plan of action designed and tailored to meet your bodies unique needs.

  • Release fear, trust the path you are on, possess optimism, and believe in your body’s innate ability to heal.

  • Have a different type of relationship with your practitioner where you feel truly supported, guided and informed with what’s happening in your body.

  • Recieve way more than the standard 15 minute health visit and feel accountability to accomplish your goals.

  • Feel a sense of empowered and optimism being equipped with the right tools you need to be your healthiest, happiest, and most vibrant self!

Holistic Nutritionist

Hi there! I'm Stefanie, a Holistic Health Practitioner. I combine my years of experience and education to bring health and healing so that I can walk alongside individuals in their journey towards whole body health!

Work With Me....Let Healing Begin!

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Content presented on this website, in emails, products and services and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or a professional therapeutic relationship. Content presented is intended to provide general health information for educational purposes only. Eden Energetix LLC is not a licensed doctor and information and education should not be used as a substitute for medical or psychiatric advice. Eden Energetix LLC cannot diagnose or treat any medical or psychiatric condition, and does not replace care from your physician. Always consult a healthcare professional if you suspect you require medical or psychiatric treatment. If you believe or suspect you are experiencing an emergency, call 911 immediately. 

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