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Holistic Nutritionist Holding carrots

Toxin Overload: Does it Exist?

Let’s begin with some statistics…


  • 25–30% of pediatric patients will have Type II Diabetes by 2022.

  • 50% of Americans are either diabetic or prediabetic.

  • 1 in 2 Americans are expected to get cancer in their lifetime.

  • 1 in 12 Americans suffers from an autoimmune disease.

  • 1 in 8 women are expected to get breast cancer.

  • 1 in 3 over 85 will develop dementia.

  • 1 in 68 children currently have autism.

  • 1% of all kids have some sort of nut allergy.


This is a radical increase over time with a drastic increase in cancer rates, chronic illness, autism, prescription drugs, diabetes, childhood diseases & more. It may lead you to ask "what is going on? "

Currently over 84,000 chemicals are used in the United States & less than 1% of these have been studied for long term safety prior to manufacturing & distribution. Additionally 2,000 new products come to the market every year, most of which haven’t had much testing. They are sprayed on food, poured onto products, emitted into the atmosphere, & more are created every year. It's easy to feel discouraged & helpless with the onslaught of chemicals that are everywhere. Yet here we are still ticking! Our bodies are fearfully & wonderfully made & built into them is the ability to detox the abundance of chemicals thrown at them. But sometimes it's too much....

We all have our own personal "toxic bucket" that can overflow & spill over creating serious health problems. When you leave your house you often don't have control over what you encounter. Good news do have control over your home environment, what you choose to eat, what products you put in and on your body, the quality of your homes air, the water you drink & more. The world out there may feel toxic but the world you create doesn't have to! Each small changes adds up!


Beginning to detoxify the body without first prepping it can have some unpleasant consequences that can end up setting you back and not forward. Work with a qualified health coach to navigate how to optimize your drainage pathways which is the first step towards cellular detoxification. You don't paint the house before prepping and priming the walls. Similarly the body must be prepped and supported in order to properly go through the detoxification process. 

Cellcore drainage funnel

The products listed below are products to incorporate after optimizing drainage pathways. Want to know how to optimize drainage? Contact me!

soaps and salts

Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil packs help the often stagnant lymphatic system to flow better ridding the body of toxins! 

The ricinoleic acid in castor targets the lymphatic system, helping your body produce or increase production of lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are the body’s natural disease fighter. They help drain your body of any toxins and proteins that have built up over time. Ridding the body of this accumulated waste in the blood can help improve your immune system.

Using castor oil packs over the liver is a time honored tradition. Many schools of traditional medicine have used castor to help support optimized liver function, to improve detoxification and to reduce inflammation in the liver. I often recommend that patients do a castor pack 1-2 times/week (or more!) to help support their liver if they’re dealing with mental health concerns, hormonal imbalance, detoxification issues or actual liver organ issues, like fatty liver. source


Benefits of castor oil packs:


  • Promotes detoxification

  • Improve nervous system function

  • Reduces pain, swelling, and inflammation

  • Improves liver health

  • Increases bowel regularity


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Making Coffee

Coffee Enema Kit

There's a reason why this detox method is so popular, especially amongst cancer patients, who often use this daily as a healing modality. The palmitic acid in the coffee enemas are said to increase glutathione (your bodies natural antioxidant) by 600-700%. Yep...hold that morning coffee for a better cause. Coffee enemas increase bile flow all together but more importantly keeps the bile from recycling itself (along with all the unwanted toxins) and dumping it out (ahem, sorry) leaving you less toxic and feeling amazing. During a 15 minute coffee enema your body will filter through the liver about 4 or 5 times. All the toxins that the glutathione gathered and transported to the liver are dumped by the bile ducts into the digestive track will leaving you a lot less toxic than you were before. Coffee enemas are beneficial for the following reasons:


  • Boosts immunity

  • Clears and improves the skin

  • Increases energy

  • Stops yeast overgrowth

  • Removes parasites from the digestive tract

  • Removes heavy metals from the body

  • Lessens depression

  • Used in cancer therapies

  • Relieves pain and inflammation

  • Detoxifies the body

  • Relieves die off symptoms from a Herx reaction


Most coffee is heavily laden with mycotoxins that add to your toxic load when you're trying to detox already. Make sure to use a high quality mycotoxin free coffee rather than any coffee in your cupboard. I've linked one of the best companies below that makes coffee specifically for enemas and ensures only the best coffee grounds. For an informative post about how to prepare and perform a coffee enema you can read this post.

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Girl doing a sauna

Sauna Therapy

Using a sauna several times a week is a powerful and effective way to increase detoxification. Whether it's with a portable sauna, a stationary sauna, or even your local spa or gym you'll soon grow to appreciate encouraging your body to purge & eliminate toxins through the skin. If you have biotoxin illness or Lyme disease regular use of sauna can be very helpful way to speed up the detoxification process, help decrease a Herx reaction, and relieve muscle and joint pain. Regular use of a sauna can help:


  •   Detoxification

  •   Decrease Inflammation

  •   Increase circulation 

  •   Relieve pain

  •   Burn calories

  •   Sleep Better 

  •   Immune Enhancement & Promote overall health and wellness

  •   Mitochondria Support and Enhanced Energy

  •   Increased Natural Nitric Oxide and Redox Molecule Production

  •   Anti-Aging Benefits; Collagen Production, Cellulite Reduction  

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What is Ozone?


Ozone has the unique ability to activate the innate healing capability of your body! What is ozone? It's an molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms. When medical ozone therapy is safely used it possesses the ability to treat numerous conditions and diseases. It has been used in medical application for years since the early 1900's in Russia, Italy, Germany, Cuba and more. In WWI it was used to treat various infections.


Ozone's populairy is on the rise! Many suffering from chronic Lyme disease, cancer, and arthritis utilize the benefits of ozone to aid in healing as it possesses the ability to kill pathogens and activate the bodies innate ability to heal. Others use it to benefit from 


Conditions ozone therapy may benefit include:


  • Chronic infections (Lyme, EBV and more)

  • Skin wounds & infections

  • Geriatric conditions

  • Macular degeneration

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Cancer

  • Mold related illness/exposure (CIRS)

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Neurologic disorders

  • Immune dysfunction

  • Chronic pain


Additional benefits include:


  • Detoxification

  • Improved sleep

  • Increased circulation

  • Pain relief

  • Anti Aging benefits

  • Improved immunity
  • Improved cardiovascular function
  • Improves mental health
  • Reduces swelling & pain
  • Improved memory & cognition
  • Heals skin wounds & infections
  • Aids in muscle recovery
  • Clearer skin

I had mold toxicity...within two days of the ozone I went from being very cognitively impaired to almost symptom free"
-Mark Hyman

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Girl Jumping


What is rebounding?


Rebounders are similar to mini trampolines but are smaller and more appropriate for exercising.  The design of rebounders is firmer than a standard trampoline and allows for better bounce.


Why rebound?


Rebounding has numerous benefits to the immune system! When you rebound it boosts your immune system which in turn raises your metabolism and enhances cardiovascular and lymphatic circulation. With this increased flow of circulation the body then has the ability to move lymphocytes and antibodies – the immune system troops – more quickly through your body, ridding it of impurities and invaders. Rebounding is a whole body exercise, and causes the lymphatic valves to open and close simultaneously which will cause increase lymph flow as much as 15x! When we use a rebounder we are facilitating the body’s natural detoxification ability.

Jumping on a rebounder

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Daily Detox Tools....

Tongue scraper

Tongue Scraper

By Dr. Tung

Dry brush

Dry Brush


Shower filter

Berkey Shower Filter

By Berkey

Acupressure mat

Bath Filter

By Crystal

Acupressure mat


By Sivan

Blue light blocking glasses

Blue Light Glasses


Daily Detox Elixers & Teas....

Screen Shot 2021-04-17 at 11.05.08

Grass & Shrooms Powder

By Amazing Gras

Traditional Medicinals Roasted Dandelion Root

Roasted Dandelion Tea

By Traditional Medicinals

Traditional Medicinals Nettle Leaf

Nettle Leaf

By Traditional Medicinals

Organic India Tulsi

Tulsi Tea

By Organic India

Screen Shot 2021-04-17 at 11.02.06 AM 1.

Mushroom Matcha Drink

By CherieSweetHeart

Dandy Blend

Dandy Blend

By Dandy Blend

Teeccino Dandelion Carmel Nut Tea

Dandelion Carmel Nut Tea

By Teecino

Raw Revelations Coffee Fix

Coffee Fix

By Raw Revelations

Liver Cleanse Tea

Liver Cleanse Tea

By Deep Relief Rx

Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate

By Guayaki

Traditional Medicinals Burdock Tea

Burdock Tea

By Traditional Medicinals

Calendula Flowers

Calendula Tea

By Wellness Naturals

Daily Detox Supplements

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Burbur Pinella

By NutraMedix

Mary Ruths Lymphatic Cleanse

Lymphatic Cleanse

By Mary Ruth's

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Organic Chlorella

By BioPure



By Herb Pharm

Milk thistle seed

Milk Thistle Seed

By Nature's Answer

Red Root Tincture

Red Root

By Herb Pharm

Detox Binders


By Cellcore

Medi Clay

Premier Research Labs

GI Detox

BioToxin Binder
By Cellcore


G.I. Detox


By G-Pur

Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal
Integrative Therapeutics

Detox Your Home

Air Doctor Air Purifier

Air Doctor Air Purifier

By Air Doctor

EC3 Laundry Additive

EC3 Laundry Additive

By Micro Balance

Dryer Balls

Wool Dryer Balls

By Snug Pad Store

Mold Solution Cleaner

Mold Cleaner Concentrate
By Microbalance

IQ Air Purifier

IQ Air Purifier

By IQ Air

Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential Oil Diffuser

By Lemon + Co

Biokleen Laundry detergent

Landry Detergent

By BioKleen

Salt lamp

Himalayan Salt Lamp

By My Perfect Nights

Force of Nature Cleanser

Multi Purpose Cleaner

By Force Of Nature

Magnetic Laundry System

Magnetic Laundry System

By Life Miracle

EC3 Candles

Air Purification Candle
By Microbalance

Detox Your Car

Cari Air Purifier

Air Filter for Vehicle 
By IQ Air

Charcoal bags

Odor absorbing activated charcoal  
By Aquapapa

Air Purification bags

Air Purifying Bag  
By Homine

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Content presented on this website, in emails, products and services and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or a professional therapeutic relationship. Content presented is intended to provide general health information for educational purposes only. Eden Energetix LLC is not a licensed doctor and information and education should not be used as a substitute for medical or psychiatric advice. Eden Energetix LLC cannot diagnose or treat any medical or psychiatric condition, and does not replace care from your physician. Always consult a healthcare professional if you suspect you require medical or psychiatric treatment. If you believe or suspect you are experiencing an emergency, call 911 immediately. 

© 2024 Eden Energetix LLC

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